LLinux Read More 2 minute read File System and User Types in LinuxbystudentlabsMay 6, 2024No comments File System in Linux Linux, files are ordered in a tree-like structure, starting from the root directory. The root directory…
LLinux Setup FTP Server on Linux (Cent OS) and automate the file upload using a shell scriptbystudentlabsJune 5, 2020No comments FTP Stands for File Transfer Protocol which is standard client-server protocol method for transferring files between a server and clients…
LLinux Install MariaDB in Linux (CentOS)bystudentlabsJune 5, 2020No comments MariaDB is a community developed fork of a MySQL RDBMS. # Create mariadb.repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d/ folder [mariadb] name =…
LLinux Setup JBoss in Linux (CentOS) system and Deploy the war filebystudentlabsJune 5, 2020No comments Jboss is a Java Application Server developed by JBoss – a subsidiary of Red Hat Inc. Other JAVA application servers…
LLinux Installing Cygwin in WindowsbystudentlabsJune 23, 2018No comments Cygwin is like Unix environment and command-line interface for Microsoft Windows. Most of the Linux/Unix commands will work with similar…
LLinux Linux User ManagementbystudentlabsJune 23, 2018One comment Linux is a multi-user operating system. One of the most important roles of a system administrator is to manage the…