DDevOps What is DevOps?bystudentlabsNovember 17, 2019No comments DevOps is a process to bring the collaboration and integration between software developers and information technology (IT) operation professionals to…
BBig Data What is Apache Hadoop? How to install or setup Hadoop in CentOS?bystudentlabsOctober 5, 2018No comments Hadoop History Apache Hadoop is an open-source software framework used for distributed storage, distributed and parallel processing of large datasets…
LLinux Installing Cygwin in WindowsbystudentlabsJune 23, 2018No comments Cygwin is like Unix environment and command-line interface for Microsoft Windows. Most of the Linux/Unix commands will work with similar…
LLinux Linux User ManagementbystudentlabsJune 23, 2018One comment Linux is a multi-user operating system. One of the most important roles of a system administrator is to manage the…