Learn and practice advanced topics in Ansible course including Roles, Jinja2, Lookups, Filter. Learn to develop custom modules.
Learnings from this course
- Develop Ansible Playbooks for advanced use cases
- Learn about Ansible’s execution flow using Strategies
- Learn how to handle errors during playbook execution
- Learn about retrieving data from external sources using Lookups.
- Use Ansible Vault for securing critical information
- Understand and develop templating using Jinja2
- Develop custom modules, filters and plugins
- Develop and re-use custom Roles
- Follow Ansible best practices during playbook development
- Share work with Ansible Community using Ansible Galaxy
- Use Dynamic Inventory in playbooks
- Gain a good hands-on experience in developing playbooks
Topics Covered in this Ansible Course
- Introduction
- Web Application
- File Separation
- Roles
- Asynchronous Actions
- Strategy
- Error Handling
- Templating – Jinja2
- Lookups
- Vault
Course includes:
4 hours on-demand video
5 articles
41 coding exercises
Instructor Name: Mumshad Mannambeth
Course Approved Date:8/16/2017
Course Last Updated Date:12/27/2019